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Copy Editor And Proofreader

Tina Choy

The Agency’s leader in perseverance, Tina works diligently to make sure all our copy reads like music to our ears and is punctuation-perfect.

Any bucket list items?

I’d love to put on my walking shoes and tour the villages and towns of Italy, especially Florence, Venice, and Bari (where my dad was born). Of course I’d have to stop for the food and wine. There’s nothing like it. Best in the world, so I’ve heard.

If you had to switch AW teams for one week, which department would you work in?

I’d like to work in the studio where all the creative ideas come to life.

What’s your go-to happy hour order?

Wine (and more wine) and cheese, but it depends on the season. When it’s warm outside, it’s pinot grigio or prosecco for me and when the gloves and scarf come out, I head for the cabernet.

What’s the weirdest thing on your desk?

Above my desk hangs a beach towel featuring dogs on a beach. There’s a pug with sunglasses on her head carrying flip flops and a water noodle, a terrier sitting on a yellow lounge chair and a big brown lab with a red, yellow and blue floating tube around his neck and several more sitting on the sand surrounded by palm trees and blue sky.

What real or fictional person would you go on a road trip with?

Despite its ending, one of my favorite movies is Thelma and Louise. I especially liked the strength of the character of Louise as portrayed by Susan Sarandon. I’m a big fan of all of her movies from The Rocky Horror Picture Show to Dead Man Walking.  So, I think I’d choose Susan Sarandon to share my road trip. I think we’d have a blast—and get home in one piece.


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