William Claxton Bio Left Arrow
Sean Cooke Bio Right Arrow
senior account executive

Jessie Cohen

Powered by music and the occasional espresso martini, Jessie Cohen brings magnetic energy to all she does—making hard work fun and raising the bar for AW’s clients.

What inspires you?

My inspiration comes to me through many channels: MUSIC, believing in myself, and the creativity of those around me. Whether it’s my loved ones or my Austin Williams team, I’m constantly surrounded by admirable expressiveness that fuels me.

Name your top five desert island movies.

Wizard of Oz, Superbad, Les Misérables, Hercules, The Dark Knight. Twilight as a bonus guilty pleasure movie. I’m a huge fan of sci-fi, medieval times and musicals.

What three words best describe you?

Charismatic, passionate and clever.

What’s the best idea you’ve ever had?

Joining the Austin Williams team, obviously. And every time I order an espresso martini.

What real or fictional person would you go on a road trip with?

Donald Glover. A true renaissance man—and to circle back to my first question—a huge part of my everyday inspiration. He can do it all: sing, dance, act, write screenplays, compose songs, do stand-up comedy. Not only does he do it all, but he does it all exceptionally well!


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